
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reflection for Science Education for Learners of Tomorrow Inspiration Award

It is the same as hotmail sign in, here it is:

Reflection 1: Education tools and research insights need to be sharable across the world in order to benefit humankind. Do it with Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike.

On such great idea is borne from the Prof Douglas Brown and the Open Source Physics Community. to download the fantastic technology tool.
Free Video Analysis and Modeling Tool for Physics Education

To build on the great tool created by Doug, I produced some of the professional development (PD) materials that i produced to support Teacher PD and Student informal home based learning. I made this video to advance the learning of physics through meaningful use of technology tools and there was no existing PD video on the tracker yet when i made these 2 video, so this is like knowledge creation to for public good.

Tracker Free Video Analysis for Physics Education by Douglas Brown &;You Tube PD by lookang

this video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Singapore.

Tracker Free Video Modeling for Physics Education by Douglas Brown &; You Tube PD by lookang

this video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Singapore.

By licensing my video and worksheets etc under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Singapore, i made it clear what people can do will my PD videos. Permission to use my video in your classrooms is already given, even before you asked for it. So don't let those none the wiser people tell you "Did you ask for permission to use this video for your classroom practices?" There are now cleverer ideas like Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 that lower the barriers that teachers faced in their professional quest to liven and enrich the learning environment in their classrooms. In fact, the idea of fair use should be enough to protect the teachers in the classroom using materials for educational purposes. 

Reflection 2: Use global accessible technology for video. Do it with You Tube !
Stop uploading your video into the protected spaces. Students and teachers simply don't have the time and patience to hunt and lo-gin for resources for teaching and learning. If you want something to do use by teachers and students, put it in the public space, benefit any one who wants to learn. We as a species need to move away from the idea of localized group of people organized in nations races or religion, we have to think globally if we are to outlast those dinosaurs who dominated Earth years ago. Education should be freely accessible, it is a basic human right to be have access to education materials, so there more people can do good.

Reflection 3: Share your successful story on the public web as well. Do it with Google Blogger and world famous subject expert forum.
I already shared in and like in this Blogger post.
This Technology tool was developed by Professor Doug, tat leong develop prototype lesson idea, piloted it last year with 3 students, and i conduct professional sharing with the other teachers this year and deploy the lesson with me as co-teacher to whole JC1 (year 5) in River Valley High School. 
Learning Physics through Video Analysis and Modeling @ River Valley High (sg) 2010

this video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Singapore.

Start of Transcripts of what students say about the lesson.
student A:
'Tracker' lesson is quite FUN..... transform the real life things into analysis... that you can see the actual physics in it.... quite enlightening. ...before this lesson, I didn't know that there is such a program.......besides doing this project, when there is time, can find other video to analyze investigate and look at it is interesting... and there is a lot things to work on. ( SDL ! )...
student B:
...generally, this program is quite helps me to analyze the motion of the 'bouncing' is 'otherwise' very hard to analyze on paper...
student C:
..I also learn a lot from the will help us in the research 'assignment'...
student D: is quite difficult to understand...first time using such a program.......but it will help us in the long way....'it is like' nothing  I have seen before..
student E: is interactive....the visual is much better for learning than all the words in the tutorial...this system may be difficult to use at first but once you can use to it, it is quite convenient and very fast....
student F:'s's really proves what we have learn during 'normal' lessons......
student G:
'understand' concepts better through plotting graphs using this software...
..normally I thought those theories and formulas ....don't perfectly work real life.. program actually works!
student I :
..this 'program' is very new and different..the only obstacle is getting used to will be much easy and very useful...
student J: is very high is very visual...can see 'the physics' clearly...
End of Transcripts of what students say about the lesson.

Reflection 4: My reflection on the students' feedback
They generally agree that learning can be greatly enhanced through this tracker tool. Even they (digital natives) feel the tool is "high tech" and need some time to get used to the new learning environment. But despite some initial barriers to learning in new ways, the students recognize the benefits (refer to above video and transcripts) is tremendous. we as teachers owe it to future generations of students to learn in meaningful ways that can help them in their lives, not just to "Ace" examination. Hope this lesson example demonstrate how teachers can work together to improve learner centered learning, working towards a quality education for the world (giving of oneself selflessly), not of the world (for glory and recognition as prime motivation).  

world famous subject expert forum is physics forum which has discussion on the tracker like NTNUJAVA Virtual Physics Laboratory
Tracker Free Video Analysis & Modeling Tool by Douglas Brown

Reflection 5: What are the strengths of tracker?
The innovative ICT tool is based on the Video modeling pedagogy (Douglas Brown, 2009)
1. Compare videos of the real world to simulations of theoretical models.
2. Students define force expressions, parameters and initial conditions for dynamic particle model simulations based on Newton's Second Law.
3. Model simulations synchronize with and draw themselves right on the video.
Singapore need more of this kind of simple & easily scalable technology tools to strengthen & implement the sound and balanced curriculum. You have to think for yourself all the sexy technology like "virtual worlds, games, augmented reality" it is easy and simple to implement, are there simpler and cheaper ways to experience learning? what is the ROI (return of investment)?

Reflection 6: What does it mean for student learning and living today?
students are engaged in self-directed learning.
1. Ownership of Learning, students decide on a personally motivating task to conduct inquiry on, use the video analysis software and identify variables to inquiry on, define their own equations to analysis and input their own equations of motion to model the motion.
2. Management and Monitoring of Own Learning, students explore video based experimental data and make logical arguments and findings. Students formulate questions and generate own inquiries when conducting the holiday assignment guided by face to face as well as online teachers and peer support and discussions.
Students use the online feedback form to improve their learning experience using the video analysis software.
3. Extension of Own Learning, students are taught the pedagogical use of the tool and perform similar inquiry on different video of their choice. Learn beyond the curriculum, students are expose different aspects of physics and other subject matters in the sports and figure out like real scientist when to use which concepts to analyze the video.

students are engaged in collaborative learning (CoL)
1. Effective Group Processes, in groups of three, the students need to negotiate and set common goals to explore a video of their choice.
2. Individual and Group Accountability of Learning, students learn in groups of three, share their initial findings on the discussion forum, supported by peers evaluation and teacher mentor-ship.

Reflection 7: Align what you want to do to benefit humankind with your office work as well.
Work for yourself, figure out what you want to do in life, like having a higher purpose in life, for example to provide free educational resources for the world, then try to align your office work to that higher purpose. This way, you have find passion in whatever you decide to do.
The Discussion Forum is here 
password required sorry folks!
it hosts some of the students' e-interactions and teachers additional e-support in addition to the face to face in school in order for the project learning. 

This lesson example is also hosted in password required sorry folks!

Not to worry! for public access, go to world famous physics forum which has discussion on the tracker like NTNUJAVA Virtual Physics Laboratory
Tracker Free Video Analysis & Modeling Tool by Douglas Brown

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