This releasing of open data is to build trust, for transparency and accountability is a necessary educational practice in today's interconnected world for any practice to scale-up and improve teaching and learning in schools.
Period of Report: 01-Jan-2012 to 31-Dec-2014
Project ID: NRF2011-EDU001-EL001
Project Title: Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning
Name of Principal Investigator: Lim Ai Phing
School/Host Institution: River Valley High School
Partner Schools/Institutions:
Anderson Junior CollegeInnova Junior College
Serangoon Junior College
Yishun Junior College
Project Artifact
- Shared Library for Easy JavaScript Simulation (2015)
- 6th IPSG instructional program support group A level physics scaling page (2014)
- ExCEL Fest scaling page (2013)
- Working site (2012)
There is a total of 22 lesson packages involving 7 simulations (Collision Cart, Projectile, Ripple Tank, Waves, Charges, Falling Magnet, Gravity).These simulations are customised by MOE-ETD based on the teacher-researchers’ feedback. These lesson packages are uploaded to ICT Connection as ICT-in ACTION lessons for scaling to other non-eduLab Schools. In the second year, a total of 16 lesson packages was implemented in 5 schools, by 44 teachers and 2201 students.
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poster thanks to Excel Fest |
The impact of the lesson packages among the other non-eduLab schools can be loosely classified as Aware (level 1), Adopt (level 2) and Adapt (level 3). For effective scaling, the zeros will be noted for further action and are useful to tap on EduLab formal scaling mechanisms.
Below is a table listing the different schools and level of impact.
Students find difficulties in understanding abstract Physics concepts at Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level.
The use of guided inquiry approach with customized computer models can improve students’ understanding of abstract Physics concepts.
Science simulations are probably suitable for inquiry-based activities due to its capability of displaying multiple representations and its interactivity. Simulation offers multiple representations (e.g., word, pictures, diagrams, graphs and table of values) of the same or related concepts. With a deeper understanding of the concept, the students can now be in a better position to respond to questions, to evaluate and communicate their findings. In using the science simulations, students are allowed to manipulate the experimental variables to test their hypotheses. With this interactivity feature, students can now make use of the simulations and design their own investigations; by varying different parameters and collecting their data accordingly to test their hypothesis.
Many lessons were co-developed by teachers and implemented to many students over the 2012-2014 periods in the 5 partner schools. Many variations of usage were implemented to suit the school context (high/low ability students, teacher development etc) and curriculum needs (what concepts to illustrate, what other programmes were running thus requiring e-learning week, computer lab, lectures and tutorials etc).
The agile (sense, co-design, etd-develop and use) development cycle of the curriculum materials enabled the materials developed in this project to be one of the most widely used and freely shared materials across the A level Physics and even among the 17 funded eduLab projects in Singapore.
The goal of providing technology enriched models/simulations for customized and targeted inquiry learning is achieved with success.
Some of the strengths of the models are the affordance of visualization, interactive hands-on engagement and weaknesses of lessons implemented are some lack teacher guidance and unfriendly user interfaces in the simulations.
We argue that with more time and teacher preparation (professional networking), some of these lessons can be better implemented for more effective instructions.
Schools offering A level Physics
3 Adapt
2 Adopt
2 Adopt
3 Adapt
1 Aware
3 Adapt
1 Aware
1 Aware
3 Adapt
1 Aware
1 Aware
3 Adapt
3 Adapt
1 Aware
1 Aware
1 Aware
1 Aware
3 Adapt
In this project, ETD is actively modifying open source physics simulations, with Easy Java Simulation Toolkit for Singapore use in JC Syllabus and co-designing lesson packages with the teachers. There are a total of 5 project schools (AJC, SRJC, IJC, RVHS and YJC). In total, we have 9 simulations on 5 topics (Collision cart, Falling Magnet, Gravity, Wave and Ripple Tank). There are a total of 6 lesson packages (We have 2 variations for the collision cart with one of the simulations modeling realistic impact force). Each school takes the lead in implementing the lesson package with the customized simulation.- Download all resources here
Learning Problem
Students find difficulties in understanding abstract Physics concepts at Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level.
Research Question
The use of guided inquiry approach with customized computer models can improve students’ understanding of abstract Physics concepts.
All models/simulations were customized by ETD with few problems as ETD has developed the deep specialization-expertise to model the physical systems in A level Physics.Many lessons were co-developed by teachers and implemented to many students over the 2012-2014 periods in the 5 partner schools. Many variations of usage were implemented to suit the school context (high/low ability students, teacher development etc) and curriculum needs (what concepts to illustrate, what other programmes were running thus requiring e-learning week, computer lab, lectures and tutorials etc).
The agile (sense, co-design, etd-develop and use) development cycle of the curriculum materials enabled the materials developed in this project to be one of the most widely used and freely shared materials across the A level Physics and even among the 17 funded eduLab projects in Singapore.
The goal of providing technology enriched models/simulations for customized and targeted inquiry learning is achieved with success.
Some of the strengths of the models are the affordance of visualization, interactive hands-on engagement and weaknesses of lessons implemented are some lack teacher guidance and unfriendly user interfaces in the simulations.
We argue that with more time and teacher preparation (professional networking), some of these lessons can be better implemented for more effective instructions.
6 pedagogical design features
Briefly, the computer model design principles are:
- Appropriate and simple visualization
- Multiple representations for coherent learning
- Formative conceptual testing
- Consistent interface design and color association
- Just in time help and hints
- Ease of use
The six pedagogical design ideas-principles (how to design effective simulations for learning) of computer models are discussed-synthesized for MOE new resource development for students’ learning space (SLS) :
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Figure 1Left. Diagrams showing the 2D (LEFT) and 3D (RIGHT) in different simulations to prevent confusion and aid students in understanding. Authors: Wee Loo Kang and Andrew Duffy scaling YJC: scaling IJC: |
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Figure 1Right. Diagrams showing the 2D (LEFT) and 3D (RIGHT) in different simulations to prevent confusion and aid students in understanding. Authors: Timberlake, Wee Loo Kang and Fu-Kwun Hwang worksheets by (lead) YJC: (lead) YJC scaling IJC: |
Appropriate and simple visualization. Our research suggests 3D is required only for 3 dimensional physics phenomena (example Geostationary Orbits Model and Solar System Model (Figure 12 RIGHT)). 2D view (example Two Model System (Figure 13 LEFT) and Earth-Moon Model (Figure 12 LEFT)) which is simpler for learners should be used especially when lecture notes (Figure 13 RIGHT) depict it that way.
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Figure 2left. Diagrams showing the appopriate use of 2D (LEFT) and the typical representation in lecture notes (RIGHT) simulations to prevent confusion and aid students in understanding. Multiple representations. World view (Figure 14), symbolic (equations) view and scientific (graphs) view should be integrated and visible for a coherent learning experience. Authors: Wee Loo Kang and Andrew Duffy |
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Figure 3right. Diagrams showing the use of simulations to create multiple representations (LEFT world view = moon earth, symbolic = equations of gravitational strength g and potential φ ) of the same situation from different perspectives (RIGHT TOP, perspective from Earth, RIGHT BOTTOM, prespective from oputerspace). Authors: Wee Loo Kang and Andrew Duffy scaling YJC: scaling IJC: |
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Figure 3right. Diagrams showing the use of simulations to create multiple representations (LEFT world view = moon earth, symbolic = equations of gravitational strength g and potential φ ) of the same situation from different perspectives (RIGHT TOP, perspective from Earth, RIGHT BOTTOM, prespective from oputerspace). Authors: Timberlake, Wee Loo Kang and Fu-Kwun Hwang worksheets by (lead) YJC: (lead) YJC scaling IJC: |
c. Formative conceptual testing. For example in the earth –moon model, students are to test their own velocities to ‘experience’ the theoretical calculation of escape velocity on Earth’s surface (Figure 15). In other words, the model can allow of incorrect testing or productive failures of their own curiosity thinking.
d) Consistent interface design and color association. Our research suggests to reduce cognitive overloading, the layout interface design (Figure 16) needs to be consistent thorough the family of models for shortening the time to get familiar with the models. Colors are also useful to communicate associations to variables and representations.
d) Consistent interface design and color association. Our research suggests to reduce cognitive overloading, the layout interface design (Figure 16) needs to be consistent thorough the family of models for shortening the time to get familiar with the models. Colors are also useful to communicate associations to variables and representations.
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Figure 5. Diagram showing the bottom control panels used is in similar format used in all EJS simulations, allows students to be be more familiar with and conduct learning activities with. |
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Figure 6. Diagram showing a hint popping up just by hovering your mouse over an option |
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Figure 7. Diagram showing a dropbox feature in the simulations for ease of use. |
Figure 8. Gravity Mass Model[1] suitable for investigative inquiry learning through data collection, customized with syllabus learning objectives such as gravitational strength g, gravitational potential φ when one or both masses M1 and M2 are present with a test mass m. Superimpose are the mathematical representations, vector presentation of g, based on current Newtonian model of gravity.
Authors: Wee Loo Kang and Andrew Duffy
Figure 9. Earth Moon Model[2] suitable for investigative inquiry learning, further customized to allow the experiencing of an Advanced Level examination question June 87 /II/8. Data are based on real values where students can play and experience.
Authors: Wee Loo Kang and Andrew Duffy
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Figure 10. Geostationary Satellite around Earth Model[3] suitable for inquiry learning through menu selection. The geostationary checkbox option, 3D visualization, customized with Singapore (red) and America (satellite) as a location position for satellite fixed about a position above the earth with 24 hours period, same rotation sense on the equator plane. Authors: Wee Loo Kang based on the works of Paco |
Figure 11. Kepler’s System Model[4]with actual astronomical data built into the simulation, with realistic 3D visualization, (radius of planets such as Earth, rE and another planet for comparison r, and time t for determination of period of motion, T) data for inquiry learning and to situate understanding.
Authors: Timberlake, Wee Loo Kang and Fu-Kwun Hwang
worksheets by (lead) YJC:
(lead) YJC
scaling IJC:
The 6 pedagogical design features in the simulations were well received by the teachers and students. Teachers were more effective in their teaching of difficult concepts as the project team was able to customize the computer models to suit the teacher’s teaching ideas and learning features.This was in line with the original motivation of the project. The students gave positive feedback on the model design, highlighting interactive capabilities of the simulations, accurate and scientific data collected and multiple representational visualizations such as graphs, symbolic and 3D views.
The guided inquiry using simulations as tools was able to provide the engagement aspect of the project. Learning through inquiry was strengthened under the following conditions:
- Pre-Lab arrangements: students requested for the worksheets and models to be available roughly 1 week ahead of the classroom activity to facilitate preparatory work and any prior reading.
- Skilful teachers: skilful teaching and facilitation was the key to deeper learning. We also suggest 2 teachers per Lab to support the pair work discussions.
- Integration into existing curriculum and lesson structure: lecture and tutorial need to refer the same simulations showing how related word problems can be visualised and calculated; this would make clearer meaning of the physics concepts and the consistent terms of reference would help in focusing on understanding of concept rather than interpretation of functionality of the applets.
- Reflections to be done: Students need to reflect on the lesson to consolidate learning and achieve greater clarity in physics ideas; they should also further practise ways to solve word problems etc.
- Post-Lab availability: students requested for the lesson to be accessible after administrating for revision and life-long learning.
In short, for creating strong learning experiences, teachers may improve student performances through transforming end to end integration into current learning practices and the scheme of work rather than interjecting isolated instances of guided inquiry in computer/physics labs
nilScaling and Sustainability
A Singapore Shared Library directly editable from the authoring toolkit Easy JavaScript Simulation is created to further strengthen the scaling and sustainability of model customization to suit different contexts and needs.
An official MOE-ETD web presence is created
Teachers as designers of simulation are areas of professional development of teachers valuable and different from Academy of Singapore Teachers and Curriculum & Planning Division.
Physics education/Computational Modelling are areas of biggest impact.
All IP and Knowledge created are licensed creative commons attribution of their respective creators from which our works are derived from, thus we continue to license our derived works/models using the same/compatible licenses, to respect the IP and Knowledge of the original authors.
For commercial exploitation, please contact the author of Easy JavaScript Simulation Francisco Esquembre
Co-design : ETD officers design computer models while teachers design learning activities.
Prototype: ETD officers develop and refine the computer models.
Use : Teachers use the models and conduct their own lessons.
Feedback: Teachers and ETD offficers implement ideas onto computer models and ways to improve teaching and learning.
Physics education/Computational Modelling are areas of biggest impact.
Intellectual Property and Knowledge
For commercial exploitation, please contact the author of Easy JavaScript Simulation Francisco Esquembre
Project management and execution
Sense : ETD officers and Schools teachers sense what learning needs is required.Co-design : ETD officers design computer models while teachers design learning activities.
Prototype: ETD officers develop and refine the computer models.
Use : Teachers use the models and conduct their own lessons.
Feedback: Teachers and ETD offficers implement ideas onto computer models and ways to improve teaching and learning.
nilKey Performance Indicators (KPIs) Updates
10 schools benefited from the project
No of Classes (Total no. of students)
River Valley High School
20 (200)
Anderson Junior College
20 (400)
Innova Junior College
20 (300)
Serangoon Junior College
20 (300)
Yishun Junior College
20 (200)
National Junior College (NJC)
20 (200)
Angelo Chinese Junior
College (ACJC)
20 (300)
Hwa Chung Institution
10 (200)
Meridian Junior College
1 (20)
Victoria Junior College
1 (20)
estimated at point of reporting, the numbers can be more or less by now, depending on the teachers and students.
50 teacher researchers involved in the project
search into password required ICT connection
16 IDM-based lesson packages created for the project
Description of lesson package
Developed By
Collision Cart
Ripple Tank
Falling Magnet
1 2
S/No. | Title ▲ | Owner | Ratings /Comments | Viewed/Downloaded | Published On | Created On | Last Modified | |||||
11 |
| Aloysius Khoon Song GOH | (0) | 28 / 90 | 6-Jul-2012 (Fri) | 6-Jun-2012 (Wed) | 6-Jul-2012 (Fri) | |||||
12 |
| Chee Wah ONG | (1) | 47 / 286 | 31-May-2012 (Thu) | 15-May-2012 (Tue) | 31-May-2012 (Thu) | |||||
13 |
| GOH Giam Hwee Jimmy | (1) | 42 / 255 | 20-Jun-2012 (Wed) | 17-May-2012 (Thu) | 20-Jun-2012 (Wed |
26 workshops held to share knowledge and outcome
Description of workshop/ seminar
Conducted by
Date/ Venue
No of attendees
World Conference on Physics Education
Computer Models Design
for Teaching and Learning using Easy Java Simulation
Goh Khoon Song Aloysius
Lim Ai Phing
1st July to 6th July 2012
Physics Chapter Brown Bag Series
Using Easy Java Tool Kit
Lee Tat Leong
Wee Loo Kang
17th August 2012
PLC Symposium @ ACJC
Goh Khoon Song Aloysius
29th August 2012
eduTech 2013
Ripple Tank Model
Goh Giam Hwee
Ong Chee Wah
Ng Soo Kok
3rd September 2012
eduTech 2013
Collision Carts Model
Goh Khoon Song Aloysius
Lim Ai Phing
3rd September 2012
Physics Easy Java
Wee Loo Kang
Lye Sze Yee
30th October, 5th November 2012
Gravity-Physics by
Wee Loo Kang
23rd October, 6th November 2012
Singapore International Science Teachers' Conference 2012
Goh Khoon Song Aloysius
21st November 2012
Singapore International Science Teachers' Conference 2012
Study on the use of
Virtual Lab Ripple Tank Interference Model in enhancing students’
understanding of two-source interference
Ng Soo Kok
Ong Chee Wah
Wee Loo Kang
20th November 2012
20th International Conference on Computers in Education
Interactive Workshop on
enabling teachers’ Pedagogy of
Building Simple Physics Models
Wee Loo Kang
Lye Sze Yee
26th – 30th November 2012
20th International Conference on Computers in Short Paper (Primary
School Simulation)
Open Source Energy Simulation for Elementary School
Lye Sze Yee
Wee Loo Kang
26th – 30th November 2012
World Association of Lesson Studies 2013
Lim Ai Phing
28th – 30th November 2012
5th Instructional Programme Support Group (IPSG)
Adoption Invitation: Gravity physics by inquiry – a
2012 INNERGY gold award scaling up to all pre-university institutions in
Wee Loo Kang
Goh Giam Hwee
16th January 2013
5th Instructional Programme Support Group (IPSG)
A Lesson Study on the use of Edulab
applet and worksheet to improve students’ understanding of the concepts of
Leong Hon Keong Robert
16th January 2013
Teacher-Led Workshop for AST
Designing Computer Models for Physics Inquiry using
Easy Java Simulation workshop
Wee Loo Kang
Lee Tat Leong
Lye Sze Yee
21st February 2013
Networked Learning Community (NLC) on Science Inquiry in Action
Lye Sze Yee
Wee Loo Kang
11th March 2013
Public Lecture-Talk Design and create Physics Simulation Using Easy
Java Simulation by Fu-Kwun Hwang
Fu-Kwun Hwang
22nd March 2013
MOE Excel Fest
Java Simulation Design
for Teaching and Learning NRF2011- eduLab 001
Wee Loo Kang
Goh Giam Hwee
Ng Soo Kok
Goh Khoon Song
Yeo Wee Leng
Ong Chee Wah
Lee Tat Leong
Lim Ee Peow
Lim Ai Phing
Leong Hon Keong
Lye Sze Yee
5th – 6th April 2013
Redesign Pedagogy Conference 2013
Singapore Open Source Physics and the lessons
developed under EduLab NRF2011 – EL001
Wee Loo Kang
Goh Giam Hwee
Ng Soo Kok
Goh Khoon Song
Yeo Wee Leng
Ong Chee Wah
Lee Tat Leong
Lim Ee Peow
Lim Ai Phing
3rd – 5th June 2013
Redesign Pedagogy Conference 2013
Addressing learning difficulties in Newton’s 1st and
3rd Laws through problem based inquiry using Easy Java Simulation
Goh Khoon Song
Wee Loo Kang
3rd June – 5 June 2013
Redesign Pedagogy Conference 2013
Enabling Gravity-Physics by Inquiry using Easy Java
Wee Loo Kang
Goh Giam Hwee
3rd June – 5 June 2013
Redesign Pedagogy Conference 2013
Primary School Energy Comes Alive with Customized
Open Source Simulation
Lye Sze Yee
Wee Loo Kang
3rd June – 5 June 2013
18th Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Workshop
Easy Java Simulation, an innovative tool for teacher
as designers of gravity-physics
computer models
Wee Loo Kang
Goh Giam Hwee
Lim Ee-Peow
10th – 13th September 2013
TRASI workshop 2 on Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning
NRF2011- eduLab 001
Wee Loo Kang
5th September 2013
6th Instructional Programme Support Group (IPSG)
Adoption Invitation: Java Simulation Design for
Teaching and Learning NRF2011-EDU001-EL001
Wee Loo Kang
Goh Giam Hwee
Ng Soo Kok
Goh Khoon Song
Yeo Wee Leng
Ong Chee Wah
Lee Tat Leong
Lim Ee Peow
Lim Ai Phing
Lim Chew Ling
Lye Sze Yee
22nd January 2014
Computational Modeling with Open Source Physics
Easy Java/JavaScript Simulations
eduLab NRF2011-EDU001-EL001 Java Simulations for
Teaching and Learning
Francisco Esquembre
Wolfgang Christian
Wee Loo Kang
Lye Sze Yee
25-28 Nov 2014
12 paper publications in APA format
- Aloysius Goh, Khoon Song, Wee, Loo Kang, Yip, Kim Wah, Jeffrey Toh, Ping Yong, & Lye, Sze Yee. (2013). Addressing learning difficulties in Newtons 1st and 3rd Laws through problem based inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore.
- Chew, Charles, & Wee, Loo Kang. (2015). Use of Blended Approach in the Learning of Electromagnetic Induction Science Teachers' Association of Western Australia SCIOS Journal, XX(X), XXX.
- Lye, Sze Yee, Wee, Loo Kang, Kwek, Yao Chie, Abas, Suriati, & Tay, Lee Yong. (2014). Design, Customization and Implementation of Energy Simulation with 5E Model in Elementary Classroom. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 17(3), 121–137.
- Wee, Loo Kang. (2012). One-dimensional collision carts computer model and its design ideas for productive experiential learning. Physics Education, 47(3), 301.
- Wee, Loo Kang. (2013). Open Source Physics i in Practice arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.2614 (Vol. 1, pp. 56-63). Singapore: Ministry of Education, singapore.
- Wee, Loo Kang, & Goh, Giam Hwee. (2013). A geostationary Earth orbit satellite model using Easy Java Simulation. Physics Education, 48(1), 72.
- Wee, Loo Kang, Goh, Giam Hwee, & Chew, Charles. (2013). Enabling Gravity Physics by Inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy Conference, NIE-NTU, Singapore.
- Wee, Loo Kang, Goh, Giam Hwee, & Lim, Ee-Peow. (2013). Easy Java Simulation, an innovative tool for teacher as designers of gravity-physics computer models. Paper presented at the Multimedia Physics Teaching and Learning Conference Madrid, Spain.
- Wee, Loo Kang Lawrence, Lim, Ai Phing, Goh, Khoon Song Aloysius, Lye, Sze Yee, Lee, Tat Leong, Xu, Weiming, . . . Lim, Kenneth Y T. (2012). Computer Models Design for Teaching and Learning using Easy Java Simulation Paper presented at the The World Conference on Physics Education Istanbul, Turkey.
- Wee, Loo Kang, Lee, Tat Leong, Chew, Charles, Wong, Darren, & Tan, Samuel. (2015). Understanding resonance graphs using Easy Java Simulations (EJS) and why we use EJS. Physics Education, 50(2), 189.
- Wee, Loo Kang, Lim, Ai Phing, & Lye, Sze Yee. (2014). NRF2011-EDU001-EL001 EduLab Project Scaling-up Reflections on Using Open Source Physics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.7989.
- Wee, Loo Kang, & Ning, Hwee Tiang. (2014). Vernier caliper and micrometer computer models using Easy Java Simulation and its pedagogical design features—ideas for augmenting learning with real instruments. Physics Education, 49(5), 493.
2 presentations at international conferences in APA format
- Wee, Loo Kang, Goh, Giam Hwee, & Lim, Ee-Peow. (2013). Easy Java Simulation, an innovative tool for teacher as designers of gravity-physics computer models. Paper presented at the Multimedia Physics Teaching and Learning Conference Madrid, Spain.
- Wee, Loo Kang Lawrence, Lim, Ai Phing, Goh, Khoon Song Aloysius, Lye, Sze Yee, Lee, Tat Leong, Xu, Weiming, . . . Lim, Kenneth Y T. (2012). Computer Models Design for Teaching and Learning using Easy Java Simulation Paper presented at the The World Conference on Physics Education Istanbul, Turkey.
0 products and applications developed
0 industry involvement
Future Plan
Moving on from Java to JavaScript (HTML5+CSS3) computer models, need to re-create models available in our Shared Library licensed creative commons attribution as required by using Open Educational Initiatives tools.
This is one of the most scaled-up projects in eduLab funding history thanks to the Open Education-Open Source mindset inspired by ETD officers that teachers and students are continuing to share their work and data.
Easily scale to O level Physics, less easily to Chemistry and Mathematics but can be explored. Resources include People, Product and Process.
Final Statement of Account
nil confidential
Equipment Purchased
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