
Monday, May 6, 2024

Science Science Substainability Team Work Plan

Lesson Solar Edu Kit (Sec)

• Trial the lesson with two schools

• Refine the lesson after trial and publish it on MOE Library

"Carbon Footprint Lesson (Sec) with QY

• Partner Geography Unit to differentiate lessons on carbon footprint for Lower Secondary students. To include ideas on plans by Singapore to achieve net zero carbon emission by 2050. 

• Explore further linkages with NFS curriculum (if appropriate)

• Curate or develop a carbon footprint calculate suitable for students' use "

SIL - Energy Story (Sec/Pre-U) with JW and WH
• Partner with EMA and develop a lesson focusing on Singapore's energy story
• Both teams working on the Energy Story lesson could discuss the scope of content before working on the outlines separately

MLU on Behavioural Nudges for Sustainability
• Conceptualise the MLU content to focus on how to design behavioural nudges for sustainability
• Check for suitable partners who could vet the content
• Publish the MLU on OPAL2.0

Internal PD on Sustainability Topic (to include more along the way) 
• Behavioural nudges
• Singapore Energy Story, Science behind solar panels
• Carbon sequestration 

NUS Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (NUS SERIS)

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