
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Useful examples of Topic Informal Learning Experiences for G1 Science

table for the "Topic Informal Learning Experiences":

TopicInformal Learning Experiences
1 - Laboratory Measurements and Procedures- Science Communication for CIN (Community in Nature) Ambassadors at NParks
- The Mind’s Eye exhibition at Science Centre Singapore
- Urban Mutations exhibition at Science Centre Singapore
- Workshop for local schools at Science Demonstration Laboratory at National University Singapore
- Workshop on Measuring Speed of Light (Basic) at CRADLΣ
2 - Force- Exhibits at Science Centre
- Workshop for local schools at Science Demonstration Laboratory at National University of Singapore
3 - Energy- ‘Powering Lives Trail’ Learning Journeys – “Clean and Green” @ the Pulau Ubin Micro-grid Test-bed by Energy Market Authority
- Learning Journey to FusionWorld by A*STAR
4 - Electricity- ‘Powering Lives Trail’ Learning Journeys – “Gas it Up” @ the Singapore LNG Terminal by Energy Market Authority
- ‘Powering Lives Trail’ Learning Journeys – “Powering Singapore" @ the Sembcorp Cogen @ Banyan Plant by Energy Market Authority
5 - Heat- Eco trails (e.g., Explorer trail) around Punggol, Singapore's first Eco-town
- Visit to the Singapore District Cooling Plant at Marina Bay
6 - Matter- ABC Waters Learning Trail @ Sungei Ulu Pandan by Public Utilities Board
- Visit to NEWater Visitor Centre by Public Utilities Board
- I Scream for Ice Cream! Workshop by Science Centre Singapore
- Visit to Singapore Innovations Exhibit at Science Centre Singapore
- Visit to Centre of Innovation Marine & Offshore Technology at Ngee Ann Polytechnic
7 - Water Pollution- Visit to NEWater Visitor Centre by Public Utilities Board
- Visit to Marina Barrage by Public Utilities Board
8 - Air Pollution- Learning Journey to Sustainable Singapore Gallery by Public Utilities Board
9 - Cells- Lecture Demonstration on Human Body Systems at Singapore Science Centre
10 - Getting Energy and Nutrients from Food- Amazing Enzymes – The Important Catalysts of Life Workshop by Science Centre
11 - Human Reproduction- Workshops on Continuity of Life (e.g., DNA and Life workshop) at Science Centre Singapore
12 - Taking Good Care of My Body- Preventive Drug Education Programmes by Central Narcotics Bureau
- Health Promoting Programmes / Tobacco Control Programmes in School by Health Promotion Board

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