
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Useful Generic Rubric for 2021 G1 LSS Syllabus

Natural of Science

Way of Doing and Thinking in Science.

Generic Rubric for 2021 G1 LSS Syllabus:

CriteriaSub-criteriaNot observedEmergentDevelopingProficient
W1 Posing Questions and Defining Problemsa. Relevance of question to topic/problemDoes not pose any questionPoses question(s) that is/are not relevant to the topic/problemPoses question(s) that have some relevance to the topic/problemPoses question(s) that is/are relevant to the topic/problem
b. Testability of question by scientific investigationsDoes not pose any questionPoses question(s) that cannot be addressed by investigating the relationship between variablesPoses question(s) that contain variables but do not state the relationship between themPoses question(s) that investigate the relationship between variables
c. Clarity of design-based problemsDoes not state any problemProvides a vague description of the problemProvides an overly broad or simplistic description of the problemProvides a clear and focused description of the problem
W2 Designing Investigationsa. Formulation of hypothesis (problem statement)Does not state a hypothesisStates a hypothesis that is irrelevant to the aim of the investigationStates a hypothesis relevant to the aim of the investigation but could be improved for clarity or precisionStates a clear and precise hypothesis relevant to the aim of the investigation
b. Identification of variables and constants for a fair testDoes not identify variables (change, constant, measured) in the design of a fair testDemonstrates incorrect understanding of the types of variables (change, constant, measured) in the design of a fair testDemonstrates partial understanding of the types of variables (change, constant, measured) in the design of a fair testDemonstrates understanding of the types of variables (change, constant, measured) in the design of a fair test
c. Identification of apparatus and materialsDoes not identify apparatus, materialsIdentifies apparatus and materials which do not contribute towards the aim of the investigationIdentifies some apparatus and materials which contribute towards the aim of the investigationIdentifies all apparatus and materials which contribute towards the aim of the investigation
d. Specification of steps (procedure)Does not write any stepsProvides a sequence of steps; but this could not meet the aim(s) of the investigationProvides a sequence of steps that is missing some details; but which could meet the aim(s) of the investigationProvides a complete sequence of steps that meets the aim(s) of the investigation
W3 Conducting Experiments and Testing Solutionsa. Preparation of set-upDoes not prepare a set-upFollows some instructions and prepares an incomplete set-upFollows instructions and prepares a complete setup, but there are errors in the set-up due to careless workFollows instructions and prepares a complete and correct set-up
b. Use of apparatusDoes not use the apparatusUses the apparatus for its intended as well as unintended purposesUses the apparatus for its intended purpose but makes mistakes when doing soUses the apparatus for its intended purpose carefully and correctly
c. Relevance of observationsDoes not make any observationMakes observations that do not relate to the aim of the experimentMakes some observations that relate to the aim of the experimentMakes observations that relate to the aim of the experiment and describes observations clearly
d. Understanding of experimentDoes not provide any explanationProvides explanation that does not demonstrate understanding of the experimental designProvides explanation that demonstrates partial understanding of the experimental designProvides explanation that demonstrates understanding of the experimental design
W4 Analysing and Interpreting Dataa. Representation of data in tables and/or graphical displaysDoes not represent data in tables and/or graphical displaysRepresents data inappropriately in tables and/or graphical displaysRepresents data in tables and/or graphical displays with some errorsRepresents data well using tables and/or graphical displays for analysis
b. Processing of quantitative and qualitative dataDoes not extract information or dataExtracts information or data with some inaccuraciesExtracts information or data accuratelyExtracts information or data accurately and processes it correctly
c. Drawing conclusions from dataDoes not draw conclusionDraws conclusion(s)* that are not well-supported by dataDraws conclusion(s)* supported by data but there are some inaccuraciesDraws correct conclusion(s)* supported by data accurately
W5 Communicating, Evaluating and Defending Ideas with Evidencea. Clarity of ideasDoes not express ideasDoes not express ideas clearlyExpresses ideas clearlyExpresses ideas clearly and succinctly
b. Use of evidence and/or science concepts to defend ideasDoes not defend ideas with evidence and/or science conceptsDefends ideas with irrelevant or vague evidence and/or science conceptsDefends ideas with relevant evidence and/or science concepts; but these could be better expressedDefends ideas with relevant evidence and/or science concepts; and these are stated precisely and concisely using appropriate terminology
c. Use of evidence and/or science concepts to evaluate competing ideasDoes not evaluate ideas with evidence and/or science conceptsEvaluates ideas with irrelevant or vague evidence and/or science conceptsEvaluates ideas with relevant evidence and/or science concepts; but these could be better expressedEvaluates ideas with relevant evidence and/or science concepts; and these are stated precisely and concisely using appropriate terminology
W6 Making Informed Decisions and Taking Responsible Actionsa. Basis for decision makingDoes not use information sources to make decisionsUses irrelevant and non-credible information to make decisionsUses relevant or credible information to make decisionsUses relevant and credible information to make decisions
b. Taking responsible actionsAction taken is not statedTakes actions that do not align with advice and guidance from credible sources; consider the welfare of others; demonstrate care for the environmentTakes actions that partially align with advice and guidance from credible sources; consider the welfare of others; demonstrate care for the environmentTakes actions that align with advice and guidance from credible sources; consider the welfare of others; demonstrate care for the environment
W7 Using and Developing Modelsa. Development of a model to represent phenomenaDoes not develop a model to represent the phenomenaDevelops a model that does not represent the phenomenaDevelops a model that represents the phenomena to some extentDevelops a model that represents the phenomena well
b. Limitations of a model in representing phenomenaDoes not identify limitation(s)Identifies limitation(s) with irrelevant or vague explanationIdentifies limitation(s) with relevant explanation that could be better expressedIdentifies limitation(s) with relevant explanation that is stated precisely and concisely using appropriate terminology
W8 Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutionsa. Quality of explanationDoes not explain observationsDoes not use science concepts to explain observationsScience concepts may not be used accurately to explain observationsScience concepts are used accurately to explain observations
b. Quality of solutionDoes not propose a solution to solve problemProposes solution that may not solve the problemProposes solution that partially solves problemsProposes solution that adequately solves problems within constraints
c. Efforts towards better outcomesDoes not improve on the explanationImproves explanation by copying information from the textbookImproves explanation by making links between the information from the textbook and the observationsImproves explanation by making strong and coherent links between the information from the textbook and the observations


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