
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Project 5: WebEJS workshop Educational Simulation for Balancing Chemical Equations Using Easy JavaScript Simulation Toolkit by Karen

The Amazing WebEJS Workshop: Empowering Educators to Create Interactive Simulations

The recent WebEJS workshop has been a truly transformative experience for educators, showcasing the incredible potential of the WebEJS Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJS) toolkit in designing interactive such as games, virtual lab etc. HQ officers from various backgrounds and divisions gathered to explore how this WebEJS innovative platform and coupled with AI like (commonly used) and (best coding AI today) can be used to create and edit educational simulations, and the results were nothing short of inspiring.

One of the standout moments of the workshop was a demonstration by Karen, a MOEHQ officer, who successfully added new features to a chemistry simulation initially created by Zenia in 2019. This remarkable achievement highlighted the power of collaboration over many years through open source and lifelong learning within the teaching community.

Karen's Contribution: Enhancing a Chemistry Simulation

Karen's ability to enhance Zenia's chemistry simulation demonstrated how educators can leverage the WebEJS editor to make impactful changes to existing simulations. By adding two new options, Karen was able to improve the simulation's functionality and create an even more user friendly (able to change questions, when previously in Zenia's version was subsequently Q1 to Q2 then Q3 etc) experience for students.

The original simulation focused on chemical reactions and balancing equations. Karen's additions included:

  1. Navigating autonomously across different questions of different Difficulty Levels:

    • By introducing adjustable difficulty levels, Karen made the simulation accessible to a broader range of students with varying levels of proficiency in chemistry. This allows teachers to tailor the learning experience to meet the needs of individual students, promoting personalized learning.

These enhancements not only improved the educational value of the simulation but also demonstrated the versatility of the WebEJS toolkit in adapting existing simulations to meet evolving educational needs.

Lifelong Learning: A Testament to Teacher Innovation

Karen's success at the workshop is a testament to the idea of lifelong learning and the innovative spirit of educators. By embracing new technologies and tools, teachers can continuously improve their teaching methods and create engaging learning environments for their students.

The workshop emphasized several key points:

  • Empowerment Through Technology:

    • The WebEJS toolkit empowers educators to design and modify simulations without the need for advanced programming skills. This accessibility allows teachers to take control of their teaching materials and adapt them to suit their specific classroom needs.
  • Collaboration and Sharing:

    • The workshop fostered a sense of community among educators, encouraging them to share their ideas and collaborate on projects. This collaborative spirit is essential for driving innovation and ensuring that educators remain at the forefront of educational technology.
  • Continuous Improvement:

    • By providing a platform for teachers to enhance and adapt simulations, WebEJS supports the continuous improvement of educational resources. This ensures that learning materials remain relevant and effective in addressing the ever-changing landscape of education.


The WebEJS workshop detailed here an incredible success, showcasing the potential of the WebEJS toolkit to revolutionize the way educators design and customise interactive. Karen's achievement in enhancing Zenia's chemistry simulation is a shining example of how educators can leverage technology to create impactful educational tools.

As we look to the future, the WebEJS community will continue to inspire and empower teachers to embrace lifelong learning and innovation, ensuring that students receive the best possible education. This workshop has proven that with the right tools and a collaborative spirit, anything is possible. There are many more EJS created and customisable so long as educators has the life long learning spirit to professional development themselves with more digital skills. 

Finally, for more examples created by the officers, check out the website under the latest edits at the bottom of each page as I catalogued the interactive for the benefit of more learning.

Educational Simulation for Balancing Chemical Equations Using Easy JavaScript Simulation Toolkit

Balancing chemical equations is a fundamental skill in chemistry, and mastering it can sometimes be challenging for students. To address this, an interactive simulation was developed using the Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJS) toolkit. This simulation offers a visually engaging and hands-on approach to learning how to balance chemical equations, making the learning process both effective and enjoyable.

Key Features

  1. Interactive Interface:

    • The simulation provides an intuitive interface where students can manipulate coefficients to balance chemical equations. The real-time feedback helps students immediately see the effects of their changes.
  2. Step-by-Step Guidance:

    • The simulation offers step-by-step guidance, helping students understand the process of balancing chemical equations. It breaks down the task into manageable parts, making it easier to grasp complex concepts.
  3. Visual Representation:

    • Each chemical equation is represented with visual molecules, allowing students to see the atoms involved in the reaction. This visual aid helps students understand the conservation of mass and the need for balancing equations.
  4. Immediate Feedback:

    • As students adjust the coefficients, the simulation provides immediate feedback on whether the equation is balanced correctly. This instant feedback loop reinforces learning and helps students correct mistakes in real-time.
  5. Progress Tracking:

    • The simulation tracks the progress of students through different questions, showing which equations have been balanced correctly and which ones need more work. This feature helps students monitor their learning journey.
  6. Multiple Equations:

    • The simulation includes a variety of chemical equations, ranging from simple to complex. This diversity ensures comprehensive practice and helps students become proficient in balancing different types of equations.

Benefits of the Simulation

  • Enhanced Understanding: The interactive nature of the simulation helps students develop a deeper understanding of balancing chemical equations. By manipulating coefficients and seeing the immediate impact, students can better grasp the concept of conservation of mass.

  • Engaging Learning Experience: The visually appealing and interactive design makes learning more engaging and enjoyable. Students are more likely to stay motivated and interested in the subject matter.

  • Active Learning: The simulation promotes active learning by encouraging students to experiment with different coefficients and see the results. This hands-on approach helps reinforce theoretical concepts through practical application.

  • Accessibility: The Easy JavaScript Simulation toolkit allows for the creation of web-based simulations that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes the tool accessible to a wide audience of learners.

Example: Balancing Fe₂O₃ + CO → Fe + CO₂

In one of the simulations, students are presented with the equation:


To balance this equation, students need to ensure that the number of each type of atom on the reactant side is equal to the number on the product side. Through the simulation, students can:

  • Adjust the coefficients of each compound.
  • Visually see the number of atoms represented by colored balls.
  • Receive feedback on whether their adjustments have balanced the equation.

For instance, the balanced equation is:


This process helps students understand how to balance not only this equation but also provides a methodology for tackling any chemical equation they encounter.


This simulation for balancing chemical equations, built using the Easy JavaScript Simulation toolkit, is a powerful educational tool. It transforms a traditionally challenging topic into an interactive and engaging learning experience. By providing immediate feedback, visual aids, and step-by-step guidance, the simulation enhances students' understanding and mastery of balancing chemical equations. This innovative approach to learning chemistry is an excellent example of how technology can be leveraged to improve education.

New Option added by Karen

The chemical equation provided in the simulation is:

?? Cu(NO3)2

To balance this equation, we need to ensure that the number of each type of atom on the reactant side is equal to the number on the product side.

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Write down the number of each type of atom in the reactants and products:

    • Reactants:

      • Cu: 1
      • N: 2
      • O: 6
    • Products:

      • Cu: 1
      • N: 1
      • O: (1 in CuO) + (2 in NO₂) + (2 in O₂) = 5
  2. Balance the nitrogen (N) atoms:

    • To balance the nitrogen atoms, we need 2 NO₂ molecules on the product side: Cu(NO3)2CuO+2NO2+O2\text{Cu(NO}_3\text{)}_2 \rightarrow \text{CuO} + 2\text{NO}_2 + \text{O}_2
  3. Recount the number of each type of atom:

    • Reactants:

      • Cu: 1
      • N: 2
      • O: 6
    • Products:

      • Cu: 1
      • N: 2
      • O: (1 in CuO) + (4 in 2NO₂) + (2 in O₂) = 7
  4. Balance the oxygen (O) atoms:

    • We now have 6 oxygens in the reactants and 7 in the products. Therefore, we need to add another half O₂ molecule to the product side: Cu(NO3)2CuO+2NO2+12O2\text{Cu(NO}_3\text{)}_2 \rightarrow \text{CuO} + 2\text{NO}_2 + \frac{1}{2}\text{O}_2
  5. Adjust coefficients to ensure all atoms are balanced:

    • Since we cannot have a fraction of a molecule in the final balanced equation, we multiply all coefficients by 2: 2Cu(NO3)22CuO+4NO2+O22\text{Cu(NO}_3\text{)}_2 \rightarrow 2\text{CuO} + 4\text{NO}_2 + \text{O}_2

Balanced Equation

The balanced chemical equation is:

2Cu(NO3)22CuO+4NO2+O22\text{Cu(NO}_3\text{)}_2 \rightarrow 2\text{CuO} + 4\text{NO}_2 + \text{O}_2

This balanced equation ensures that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the reaction.


The chemical equation provided in the simulation is:

Fe2O3+COFe+CO2\text{Fe}_2\text{O}_3 + \text{CO} \rightarrow \text{Fe} + \text{CO}_2

To balance this equation, we need to ensure that the number of each type of atom on the reactant side is equal to the number on the product side.

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Write down the number of each type of atom in the reactants and products:

    • Reactants:

      • Fe: 2
      • O: 4 (3 from Fe2O3\text{Fe}_2\text{O}_3 and 1 from CO\text{CO})
      • C: 1
    • Products:

      • Fe: 1
      • O: 2 (from CO2\text{CO}_2)
      • C: 1
  2. Balance the iron (Fe) atoms:

    • We need 2 Fe atoms on the product side to match the 2 Fe atoms on the reactant side: Fe2O3+CO2Fe+CO2\text{Fe}_2\text{O}_3 + \text{CO} \rightarrow 2\text{Fe} + \text{CO}_2
  3. Recount the number of each type of atom:

    • Reactants:

      • Fe: 2
      • O: 4
      • C: 1
    • Products:

      • Fe: 2
      • O: 2 (from CO2\text{CO}_2)
      • C: 1
  4. Balance the oxygen (O) atoms:

    • We have 4 oxygens in the reactants and 2 in the products. We need more oxygen atoms on the product side. Each CO2\text{CO}_2 molecule adds 2 oxygens, so we need more CO2\text{CO}_2 molecules: Fe2O3+3CO2Fe+3CO2\text{Fe}_2\text{O}_3 + 3\text{CO} \rightarrow 2\text{Fe} + 3\text{CO}_2
  5. Recount the number of each type of atom:

    • Reactants:

      • Fe: 2
      • O: 6 (3 from 3 CO\text{CO})
      • C: 3
    • Products:

      • Fe: 2
      • O: 6 (from 3 CO2\text{CO}_2)
      • C: 3

Balanced Equation

The balanced chemical equation is:


This balanced equation ensures that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the reaction.

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