
Thursday, August 1, 2024

DGE inspired write up on EJS and Tracker in context of Olafur Eliasson’s exhibits at the Singapore Art Museum

 inspired piece of write up!

I have been immerse since 2007 into the fascinating world of Easy JavaScript Simulation (EJS), where I explored the intricate and captivating simulations I created. These simulations are more than just lines of code and algorithms—they are a blend of art and science, showcasing the beauty of scientific concepts through the lens of technology.

Each simulation is a journey through different scientific principles. Just like Olafur Eliasson’s exhibits at the Singapore Art Museum, these simulations demand a closer look, revealing layers of physics, mathematics, and sometimes even biology. Whether it’s observing the

  chaotic dance of particles in a gas simulation or the precise movements in a


  planetary orbit model, each one is crafted with meticulous detail and precision, evoking both wonder and curiosity.

One of my favorite simulations involves creating Geostationary satellite dynamic systems that evolve over time

. These are akin to the interactive installations where viewers can see different perspectives and angles, each revealing a new facet of the underlying scientific principle. In one simulation, users can manipulate variables to see how they affect the outcome, much like constructing and deconstructing a creative art. Each interaction changes the state of the system, providing a unique experience every time you engage with it.

These simulations are not just for the young or the tech-savvy. They have a universal appeal that can captivate anyone with a curious mind. Each time I revisit these simulations, I find myself pondering over the scientific concepts and the elegance of their implementation. It’s been weeks since I first created some of them, and I still find myself mulling over their intricacies, much like Eliasson’s art.

What sets these simulations apart is their ability to create conditions that spark curiosity. They introduce gaps in our knowledge that compel us to seek answers. This is the essence of the Information Gap Theory, which posits that curiosity arises when we encounter a gap in our knowledge that we feel compelled to fill. By manipulating the variables in these simulations, we bridge these gaps, satisfying our hunger for understanding and driving us to learn more.

Consider the example of a video analysis water ripple tank  where students can create and observe waves.

 The excitement when waves collide, the questions about wave behavior, and the discussions that follow are all driven by curiosity. Or think about an Chinese teacher using a game simulation to prompt students to enrich their vocabulary and storytelling skills.

Our challenge as educators is to create learning environments that promote curiosity rather than suppress it. We need to model comfort with uncertainty, prompt students to generate questions, and provide opportunities for them to think, participate, and respond. Encouraging students to generate alternative ideas without the fear of being wrong is crucial for fostering a culture of curiosity.

Programs like Weeks of Wonder and the Programme for Active Learning in our schools are great examples of how we can cultivate curiosity from a young age. Research consistently shows that curious individuals learn better, remember more, and are more creative and engaged. Curiosity boosts achievement, innovation, and strengthens relationships, making it a vital trait not just for students but for adults in the workplace as well.

I invite you to explore the world of simulations and make our classrooms, school programs, and learning spaces hubs for curiosity to thrive. Let’s challenge ourselves to spark that intrinsic drive in our students, transforming them into lifelong learners eager to explore and discover.

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