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Loo Kang Lawrence WEE is a lead specialist at the Ministry of Education (MOE), Education Technology Division (ETD), Singapore. He obtained his B.Eng (Hons) from National University of Singapore, and his Masters in Instructional Design and Technology from National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University.
His research focuses on designing HTML5 JavaScript computer models and more recently simple games and video analysis and modelling for physics education and publishes in Physics Education journal.
His Open Source Physics at Singapore (OSP@SG) Digital Library and blog serves as a gateway to teachers and students to use and remix his simulations with the aim of benefiting all.
His teaching experiences include junior college physics and secondary school science and mathematics.
His research and development has been awarded From
Ministry of Education
- 2012 Innergy Gold Award Gravity Physics by Inquiry
- 2012 MOE Service Excellence Award (MSEA)
- 2013 Ministry of Education Outstanding Innovator Award
- 2016 Innergy Gold Award Open source Physics at Singapore
- 2017 Innergy Gold Award Innovative DC Motor Demonstration Set
- 2017 MOE Service Excellence Platinum and Gold Award
Singapore Public Service
- 2012 Public Service 21 Best Ideator Award
- 2015 Public Service 21 Distinguished Star Service Award.
- 2018 National Day The Commendation Medal
International Award
but my job scope says this. according to
: |
Division | Educational Technology Division | |
Branch | ||
Section | ||
Workstation No | ||
Address/Location | Level 15 1 North Buona Vista Drive MOE HQ Building Singapore 138675 |
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Telephone Number | ||
Fax | 68720208/68797194 | |
Email Address | , |
As a MOE Specialist, in the Curriculum & Assessment Cluster, I aim to be recognized as expert in educational research and innovative practice in computer model design and tracker modelling. Working as One MOE, I aim to influence educational policies and support schools in delivering quality education.
- develop deep knowledge and research skills (see my publication list below) in specific areas in Education
- innovate, break new ground and keep MOE at the leading edge (eduLab projects, Senior Specialist Research) in educational developments.
- render professional support (cu-ration project, syllabus development committee, physics chapter handbook) and advice to key stakeholders.
In the study of Newtonian theoretical gravity concepts, the collection of scientific data is key to enactment of essential features of inquiry (Eick, Meadows, & Balkcom, 2005). Word problem solving 'pedagogy' (Ng & Lee, 2009) is not only a pedagogical mismatch (L. C. McDermott, 1993), sending students on field trips into outer-space is also untenable from safety and economic standpoints. Thus, researchers have created simulations (Lindsey, 2012; PhET, 2011) to allow multiple visualization (Gilbert, 2010; Wong, Sng, Ng, & Wee, 2011) of these difficult concepts but they are usually meant for their own specific context.
Therefore, our research and development is on customized computer models (Wee & Mak, 2009) using the Easy Java Simulation authoring toolkit (Christian & Esquembre, 2012; Christian, Esquembre, & Barbato, 2011; Esquembre, 2010a; F. K. Hwang & Esquembre, 2003) that are not only tailored to the Singapore syllabus but will be free, based on astronomical data, supported with literature reviewed researched pedagogical features. These new computer models serves to support the enactment of scientific work that are inquiry-centric and evidence-based that are more likely to promote enjoyment and inspire imagination having ‘experienced’ gravity-physics than tradtional pen paper problem solving.
Our MOE useable research question lies in the pedagogical design ideas-principles of computer models (Wee, 2012; Wee, Chew, Goh, Tan, & Lee, 2012).
2014-2015 co-Principal investigator: Becoming Scientists through Video Analysis and Computational Modeling.
This project seeks to allow students to be like scientists (obtain real data from physical phenomena, engage in making inference and deducing how the physical world work) through video analysis and modeling. This is in response to our observations that students are “absorbing” knowledge for examinations through simplified and often unrealistic examples, that is unlikely to inspire a love for life long learning.
MOE Publication:
- Wee L.K. (2013) Open Source Physics, i in Practice 1(1), p. 58-63, Ministry of Education.[PDF] [Full PDF]
Conference Presentations with Papers
- Lye S.Y., Wee L.K., (2013) Primary School Energy Comes Alive with Customized Open Source Simulation, Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore, 04 Jun 2013, 10:30 : 12:00, NIE7-01-TR701.
- Wee, L. K., Goh, G. H., & Chew, C. (2013). Enabling Gravity Physics by Inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore. 04 Jun 2013, 14:15 : 15:45, NIE7-01-TR702.
- Aloysius Goh, K. S., Wee, L. K., Yip, K. W., Jeffrey Toh, P. Y., & Lye, S. Y. (2013). Addressing learning difficulties in Newtons 1st and 3rd Laws through problem based inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore. 04 Jun 2013, 16:15 : 17:45, NIE7-01-TR705.
- Wee,L.K., Ong C.W. Ng S.K., Lim A.P., Lee T.L., Goh G.H., Chew Charles, Yeo W.L., Lim C.L., Goh K.S., & Lim E.P., Singapore Open SourcePhysics and the lessons developed under EduLab NRF2011-EDU001-EL001, Symposium presentation, presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore, 04 Jun 2013, 10:30 : 12:00, NIE7-01-TR706.
- Virtual Lab Ripple Tank Model Ripple Tank Interference Model in IJC and RVHS
- Gravity Physics by Inquiry: MOEHQ Innergy Award Gold 2012
- Teacher directed demonstration or student directed guided inquiry? Time for a re-think?
- How can we address learning difficulties in Newton's 1st and 3rd laws through PbI using ICT?
- Wee, L. K., & Lye, S. Y. (2012). Designing Open Source Computer Models for Physics by Inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012) Singapore Interactive Event, Singapore. arXiv:1210.3412 [pdf]
- Lye, S. Y., & Wee, L. K. (2012). Open Source Energy Simulation for Elementary School. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.7153, Singapore. arXiv:1211.7153 [pdf]
- Wee L.K., Lim A.P., Goh G.S., Lye S.Y., Lee T.L., Xu W.M., Goh G.H., Ong C.W., Ng S.K., Lim E.P., Lim C.L., Yeo W.L., Ong Matthew, Lim Kenneth (2012, 01-06 July, 1300-1430) Computer Models Design for Teaching and Learning using Easy Java Simulation PS 02.09 | Parallel Session 02.09 | Room 09 | 02.07.2012 Monday | 13:00 - 14:30 | 2012 World Conference on Physics Education Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Turkey arXiv:1210.3410 [pdf]
- Wee, L. K. (2012, 08 February). Physics Educators as Designers of Simulation Using EJS Part 2. Paper presented at the American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting Conference: 2012 Winter Meeting, Ontario, California, USA. [PDF by OSP] [PPT] arXiv:1211.1118 [pdf]
- Wee L.K. Lee T.L. (2011) Video Analysis and Modeling Tool for Physics Education: A workshop for Redesigning Pedagogy at 4th Redesigning Pedagogy conference workshop on Video Analysis and Modeling for Physics Education, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore [PDF] to be available from NIE [PPT] arXiv:1207.0220 [pdf]
- Wee, L. K. (2010, 20 July). Physics Educators as Designers of Simulation using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting Conference: 2010 Summer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA. [PPT] arXiv:1210.5002 [pdf]
- Wee, L. K., & Mak, W. K. (2009, 02 June). Leveraging on Easy Java Simulation tool and open source computer simulation library to create interactive digital media for mass customization of high school physics curriculum. Paper presented at the 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore. [PDF] [DOC] [PPT] arXiv:1207.0219 [pdf]
Unpublished Papers
Wee, L.K. ( 2007, June) Unpublished work Effectiveness of Computer Laboratory Based E-Learning Instructional Program on Addressing Misconceptions in Projectile Motion
Masters Of Instructional Design and Technology Critical Inquiry
Assignment MMM800 National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological
University (NIE/NTU), Singapore [DOC]
upcoming events
completed events
- Lee T.L., Leong T.K., Choo S.Y., Wee L.K. (2013, 11th November 15 30 – 16 30) CS11: Video Analysis and Open Source Physics, Fermi Lab, Singapore Science Centre
- Wee L.K. (2013, 11th-13th Sept) 18th Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning Conference, Madrid, Spain
- Wee L.K., Lye S.Y. (2013, 05th Sept 1500-1730 ) Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning NRF2011- eduLab 001 workshop02, TRASI 40932, 2 Malan Road EduLab@AST Level 4 Block J, Singapore
- Wee L.K., Lye S.Y. (2013, new date 06 August
24th June[cancel #sghaze]1430-1730 ) Deepening Conceptual Understanding using Open Source Physics Tools, ICT Mentor Seminar 2 Malan Road EduLab@AST Level 4 Block J, Singapore - Wee L.K., Lye S.Y. (2013, 24th July 1500-1730 ) Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning NRF2011- eduLab 001 workshop01, TRASI 40932, 2 Malan Road EduLab@AST Level 4 Block J, Singapore
- Wee L.K. (2013, 19 July) West 6 Cluster ICT Committee Professional Development Seminar 2013 – “Professional Development for Teachers by Teachers” S4: Open-source physics and its applications in Education, Jurong Secondary School, Singapore
- Wee L.K., Lye S.Y., Matthew Ong, Grace Dong, Nelson Chong, Oei Hun Ling, Dennis Toh, Thong C.H., Yu Y.K. (2013, 17 July) sharing 1 to 1 computing program for ICT connection, Saint Andrew Junior, Singapore
- [cancel #sghaze] Wee L.K. (2013, 25th June 1045-1145 ) Creative Commons Licenses, a necessary condition for Leading the learning community?, ICT Mentor Seminar Spotlight Speaker , Nan Hua High School, AVA, Singapore
- Wee L.K. ( 20 June 2013) ICT connection and Open Source Physics presented to Thai delegates, MOEHQ 04-01 , Singapore.
- Wee, L. K., Goh, G. H., & Chew, C. (2013). Enabling Gravity Physics by Inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore. 04 Jun 2013, 14:15 : 15:45, NIE7-01-TR702.
- Aloysius Goh, K. S., Wee, L. K., Yip, K. W., Jeffrey Toh, P. Y., & Lye, S. Y. (2013). Addressing learning difficulties in Newtons 1st and 3rd Laws through problem based inquiry using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore. 04 Jun 2013, 16:15 : 17:45, NIE7-01-TR705.
- Wee,L.K., Ong C.W. Ng S.K., Lim A.P., Lee T.L., Goh G.H., Chew Charles, Yeo W.L., Lim C.L., Goh K.S., & Lim E.P., Singapore Open SourcePhysics and the lessons developed under EduLab NRF2011-EDU001-EL001, Symposium presentation, presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore, 04 Jun 2013, 10:30 : 12:00, NIE7-01-TR706. [intro] [insights]
- Virtual Lab Ripple Tank Model Ripple Tank Interference Model in IJC and RVHS
- Gravity Physics by Inquiry: MOEHQ Innergy Award Gold 2012
- Teacher directed demonstration or student directed guided inquiry? Time for a re-think?
- How can we address learning difficulties in Newton's 1st and 3rd laws through PbI using ICT?
- Lye S.Y., Wee L.K., (2013) Primary School EnergyComes Alive with Customized Open Source Simulation, Paper presented at the 5th Redesign Pedagogy, Singapore, 04 Jun 2013, 10:30 : 12:00, NIE7-01-TR701.
- Charles Chew, Wee L.K. (2013, June 3) The Blended Approach for 21st Century Teaching 2nd Physics Education Seminar (PES) NUS High School of Mathematics & Science, Singapore
- Wee L.K. (2013, 31st May) Learning Journey for Dutch Principals, 2 Malan Road EduLab@AST Level 4 Block J, Singapore
- Wee L.K. (2013, 22nd May) Sharing with SAJ on scaling up 1 to 1 computing and ICT connection, Conference Room, Saint Andrew Junior, Singapore
- Wee L.K. (2013, 21st May) Sharing with NIE on scaling up initiatives at ETD, Block 2, Computer Lab 4, ECL4, Singapore
- Wee L.K. (2013, 16th May, 1500-1700) Broadening learning horizons through Flight and Aerospace curriculum infusion, 10 Bukit Batok Street 52 Singapore 659250, Hillgrove Secondary, Singapore
- Lye S.Y., Wee L.K. (2013, 30th April 1500-1730 ) Physics Easy Java Simulation for Primary School, TRASI code 40922 workshop eduLab@AST, Singapore (
CANCELLEDdue to low participants) - (2013, 05-06 April ) MOE Excel Fest Java Simulations for Teaching and Learning Booth by 5 JCs ITE Central Ang Mo Kio, Singapore
- Hwang F-.K, Wee L.K., Lee T.L., Lye S.Y. (2013, 22 March 0900-1200 ) Workshop on Easy Java Simulation RVHS Computer Lab 1, Singapore (pending funding approval) followed by a NTU-NIE talk by Prof Hwang at NIE Block 2, LT 7, 1400-1700 about his work on Physics Teaching and Learning with Computers.
- Wee L.K, Lye S.Y. (2013, 11 March 1430-1730 ) Networked Learning Community (NLC) on Science Inquiry in Action, Tampines Primary School, Singapore
- Wee L.K. (2013, 27 February 1230-1400 ) ICT tools on Physics invited by Prof Hew Khe Foon, NIE, Block 2, ECL 4 (NIE 2-02-05), Singapore
- Wee L.K, Lee T.L., Lye S.Y. (2013, 21 February 1430-1730 ) Teacher-Led Workshop for AST Designing Computer Models for Physics Inquiry using EasyJavaSimulation workshop, 2 Malan road, Singapore
- Lim J.N., Wee L.K., Lye S.Y., Teo E.H. (2013, 19 February 1500-1700 ) Use of video tracker software to teach mechanics TRASI code 31099 workshop eduLab@AST, Singapore
- Wee L.K., Charles Chew, Goh G.H (2013, 16 January) Adoption Invitation: Gravity physics by inquiry – a 2012 INNERGY gold award scaling up to all pre-university institutions in Singapore @5th Instructional Programme Support Group (IPSG) Sharing, Serangoon Junior College, Singapore [PPT]
- Wee L.K, Lye S.Y. (2013, 09 January 1430-1600 ) eduLab preparation professional development workshop on Tracker, Monfort Secondary, 50 Hougang Avenue 8, Singapore
- Lye S.Y. Wee L.K, Matthew Ong, (2012, Day4: 29Nov, 1120-1230, 26-30 November) 73s Open Source Energy Simulation for Elementary School for conference participants , 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, LT5, Singapore
- Wee L.K, Lye S.Y. (2012, Day3: 28Nov, 1100-1230, 26-30 November) ie4 Interactive Workshop on enabling teachers’ Pedagogy of Building Simple Physics Models for conference participants 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012), National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, TR303, Singapore arXiv:1210.3412 [pdf]
- Ong C.W., Ng S.K., Wee L.K. (2012, Day 1: 2.5B, 1615-1700, 20-21 November) Study on the use of Virtual Lab Ripple Tank Interference Model in enhancing students’ understanding of two-source interference, Singapore International Science Teachers Conference (SISTC) 2012, Robotics Lab science centre, Singapore
- Ning H.T., Wee L.K., (2012, Day 1: 1.2B, 1145-1230, 20-21 November) Using Easy Java Simulation in teaching measurement and accuracy, Singapore International Science Teachers Conference (SISTC) 2012, Mendel Room science centre, Singapore
Wee L.K (2012, 06 November, 1430-1730) INNERGY GOLD AWARD 2012 Sharing Gravity-Physics by Inquiry for ALL teachers TRASI code 70388 re-run workshop eduLab@AST, Singapore(CANCELLED)- Wee L.K, Lye S.Y. (2012, 5 November 1500-1700) Physics Easy Java Simulation Sharing by Inquiry (FOLLOW UP) for ALL teachers TRASI code 70391-0002 (part 2/2) workshop eduLab@AST, Singapore
- Dennis Toh, Wee L.K., Oei H.L., Yu Y.K. (2012, 01 November, 1530-1630) ICT connection sharing, Nanyang Poly, Teacher Work Attachment Program, School of information and technology, Level 6, Room MacLab 635, Singapore
- Wee L.K, Lye S.Y. (2012, 30 October, 1500-1700) Physics Easy Java Simulation Sharing by Inquiry (BASIC) for ALL teachers TRASI code 70391-0001 (part 1/2) workshop eduLab@AST, Singapore
- Wee L.K (2012, 23 October, 1430-1730) INNERGY GOLD AWARD 2012 Sharing on Gravity Physics by Inquiry for ALL teachers TRASI code 70388 1st run workshop eduLab@AST, Singapore
Wee L.K (2012, 25-26 September) TED talk style sharing Easy Java Simulation and Tracker for Physics Education Digital Education Show Asia , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.(CANCELED)- Ong C.W., Ng S.K., Goh G.H., Wee L.K. (2012, 03 September, 1130-1230) Inquiry Learning with Ripple Tank Computer Model (eduLab Project) NanYang Junior College, EduTech Seminar, Singapore
- Lim A.P., Goh G.S., Wee L.K., Lye S.Y. (2012, 03 September, 1430-1530) Inquiry Learning with Collision Carts Computer Model (eduLab Project) NanYang Junior College, EduTech Seminar, Singapore
- Wee L.K, Lee T.L. (2012, 17August, 1415-1730) Physics Subject Chapter Brown Bag Series for Senior and Lead Teachers, Using easy java simulation to build simple physics models, River Valley high School, Computer Lab 1, Singapore
- Wee L.K., Lim A.P., Goh G.S. (2012, 01-06 July, 1300-1430) Computer Models Design for Teaching and Learning using Easy Java Simulation PS 02.09 | Parallel Session 02.09 | Room 09 | 02.07.2012 Monday | 13:00 - 14:30 | 2012 World Conference on Physics Education Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Turkey arXiv:1210.3410 [pdf]
- Charles Chew, Wee L.K. (2012, 02 August) Pathways to Effective & Engaging Inquiry in Science with S1 Cluster School Leaders at Mayflower Sec, Singapore
- Lim J.N., Lau S.Y., Wee L.K. (2012, 3-4 Jul) Use of Tracker for use at CPDD Beginning Teachers' (BT) workshop at 2 Umar Pulavar Tamil Lang Centre (UPTLA) Training room 3, 2 Beatty Road S(209954)
- Wee L.K, Charles Chew, Kwan, Y.M. (2012, 03 May) Gravity - Physics by Inquiry, GOLD Innergy Award, MOEHQ L24 Vista 1, Singapore
- Samuel Tan, Wee L.K (2012, 17 April) ICT mentor program sharing with AST (Physics) @IT room 1 Level 4, Academy of Singapore Teachers, 2 Malan Road, Singapore
- Wee L.K (2012, 16 April) Sharing on Open Source Physics Simulations with Singapore Poly lecturers @T4AT33 Room , Singapore Polytechnic 500 Dover Road Singapore 139651
- Wee L.K (2012, 27 March) eduLab@AST Learning Journey For iCTLT Foreign Delegates & Local Media @eduLab room level 4, Academy of Singapore Teachers, 2 Malan Road, Singapore
- Lee T.L.Wee L.K (2012, 30 March) Learning Physics of Sport through Video Analysis and Modeling @3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, iCTLT 2012, Singapore
- Wee L.K. Lee T.L. Jimmy Goh (2012, 29 March) Physics by Inquiry with Simulations @3rd International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, iCTLT 2012, Singapore
- Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2012, 14 March) Follow up sharing with School Teachers after ETD lead sharing on Tracker 2012 Learning Physics of Sport through Video Analysis and Modeling, @ River Valley High Sch, Computer Lab 1 Singapore [PPT] from tat leong
- Wee L.K (2012, 23 February) 1st Physics Subject Chapter Meeting sharing on Gravity-Physics by Inquiry Innergy Award Gold 2012 winner @Subject Chapter Room 7, Academy of Singapore Teachers, 2 Malan Road, Singapore
- Wee, L. K. (2012, 08 February). Physics Educators as Designers of Simulation Using EJS Part 2. Paper presented at the American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting Conference: 2012 Winter Meeting, Ontario, California, USA. [PDF by OSP] [PPT] arXiv:1211.1118 [pdf]
- Jimmy Goh, Tan H.L, Wee L.K. (2012, 18 January) Promoting independent learning in the topic of Gravitation using Easy-Java Simulations @4th Instructional Programme Support Group (IPSG) Sharing, Anderson Junior College, Singapore [PPT]
- Wee L.K, Matthew Ong, (2012, 11 January) S5 Cluster Science Support Group Meeting Open Source Physics Easy Java Simulations tool scale up of Physics Computer Models to Primary School Curriculum @ Conference Room, Anglo-Chinese Junior, 16 Winstedt Road, Singapore
- Wee L.K, Lee T.L., Samuel Tan, Leong T.K. Amos Goh, Kwan Y.M. (2011, 28 Decmember) IDM in education scale up of Physics video analysis and modeling tracker sharing to MOEHQ officers & Physics Chapter network of ST and LT, @ Ministry of Education • 1 North Buona Vista Drive, Vista Lab 18, Singapore
- Wee L.K. Lee T.L. Jimmy Goh (2011, 10 November) Physics by Inquiry with Simulations Design for Learning @The Academy Symposium, Academy of Singapore Teachers, Singapore [PPT]
- Wee L.K. Samuel Tan (2011, 15 September) Video Tracker Course @Raffles Girl's School, Singapore
- Wee L.K, Wong K.M., Andrew Tan, . (2011, 12 August) NZ Extended ICT Programme for ICT Mentors Pedagogical use of simulations in science education, @ Monfort Secondary School , Singapore
- Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2011, 12 August) National ICT Sharing Session 2011 Learning Physics of Sport through Video Analysis and Modeling, @ Kranji Sec Sch, Singapore [PPT] [PPT] from tat leong
- Mathew Ong, Wee, L. K., Grace Dong, Lindy Chia, Niam H.P. (2011, 01 August) ETD@CrADLe Conference 2011 Workshop on SDL and CoL 2011 @ Crescent Girls' Sch, Singapore
- Wee S.L., Tan, C.M., Chua M.C., Wee L.K. (2011,18 July) School Leader Seminar 2011, Workshop Room 2, NUS, Faculty of Engineering, LT7A, Singapore
- Wee,L.K. Lak Y.H. (2011,07 July) Blended Learning Workshop @National Junior College NJC, Bytz Room, Singapore [PPT]
- Charles Chew, Wee,L.K. and Kam Y.H.(2011,07 July) Hybrid Learning Model for Meaningful Blended Learning: An Electromagnetic Induction Exemplar for transforming science instruction in Today’s “Classroom”, Blended Learning Workshop @National Junior College NJC, Bytz Room, Singapore
- Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2011, 21 June) ICT mentor program Homecoming sharing on Video Analysis and Modeling for Physics Education, Academy of Singapore Teachers, Singapore [PPT] from tat leong
- Wee, L. K., Samuel Tan, (2011, 21 June) ICT mentor program Homecoming sharing Birds of the feather on Simulations for Science Education, Academy of Singapore Teachers, Singapore
- Wee L.K., Lak Y.H, Teh L.H. (2011, 03 June) Blended Learning @ 2011 Science Teachers Seminar West Zone Center of Excellence COE @ River Valley high School RVHS, Singapore
- Wee L.K. Lee T.L. (2011, 01 June) Video Analysis and Modeling Tool for Physics Education: A workshop for Redesigning Pedagogy at 4th Redesigning Pedagogy conference workshop on Video Analysis and Modeling for Physics Education, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore [PDF] to be available from NIE [PPT] arXiv:1207.0220 [pdf]
- Lak Y.H.,Wee,L.K. (2011,16 May) One approach of blended learning for professional development used by ETD @Academy of Singapore Teachers, Singapore [PPT]
- Wee, L. K. (2011, 19 January) presentation on using Easy Java Simulation, 3rd Instructional Program Support Group (IPSG) Physics, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Singapore [PPT]
- Charles Chew, Wee, L. K, Tsoi M.F., Tan K.C. (2011, 19 January) presentation on Branded Blended Learning (BBL): The TSOI Model for Electromagnetic Induction & its applications, 3rd Instructional Program Support Group (IPSG) Physics, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Singapore [PDF]
- Lee T.L., Wee, L. K. (2011, 19 January) workshop on investigation of the kinematics of a falling ball through Video Analysis and Modeling , 3rd Instructional Program Support Group (IPSG) Physics, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Singapore [DOC]
- Wee, L. K., Lee T.L. & Charles Chew (2010, 23-24 November) Workshop Concurrent 4.9 Workshop - Innovation in Science Education Open Source Physics – Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool, Singapore Science Center, Singapore 1st Science Teacher Conference. [PPT]
- Wee, L. K. (2010, 03 November) eduLab mass briefing on possible ideation options for eduLab projects sharing on Easy Java Simulation and Tracker, Jurong Junior College, Singapore, eduLab mass briefing. [PPT]
- Wee,L. K., Tan Y.H. (2010, 08 Sept) The ICT Connection eduTech Seminar , Nanyang Junior College , Sinagpore [PPT]
- Lak Y.H, Wee L.K., Teh L.H. (2010, 04 August) Blended Approach for PD for South Zone Cluster @ Zhong Hua Pri School, Singapore
- Wee, L. K. (2010, 20 July). Physics Educators as Designers of Simulation using Easy Java Simulation. Paper presented at the American Association of Physics Teachers National Meeting Conference: 2010 Summer Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA. [PPT] arXiv:1210.5002 [pdf]
- Wee, L.K., Samuel Tan (2010, 20 May) ICT mentor sharing secondary science on video analysis using Tracker held at River Valley High School, Singapore
- Wee, L.K., Samuel Tan (2010, 14 May) ICT mentor sharing secondary science on video analysis using Tracker held at Queensway Secondary School, Singapore
- Wee, L. K. (2010, 30 March) Harnessing Open Source Physics ( Easy Java Simulation Builder ) tools Workshop held at Ed Tech Seminar 2010 in Hwa Chong Institution Singapore.
- Wee, L. K., & Mak, W. K. (2009, 02 June). Leveraging on Easy Java Simulation tool and open source computer simulation library to create interactive digital media for mass customization of high school physics curriculum. Paper presented at the 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference, Singapore. [PDF] [DOC] [PPT] arXiv:1207.0219 [pdf]
Open Source Physics Simulations
- Wee, L. K. (2012). Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite Model. [Computer software] Retrieved from
- Wee, L. K. (2012). Tracker Video Analysis: Bouncing Ball. [worksheet, video and trk file] Retrieved from
- Hwang, F.-K., & WEE, L. K. (2011). Direct Current Electrical Motor Model[Computer software].. Retrieved from
- Hwang, F.K, & WEE, L.K. (2011). Newton's Cradle Applet [Computer software]. Retrieved July 26, 2011, from
- WEE, L.K (2011). Up and Down Bouncing Ball Model [Computer software]. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
- WEE, L.K., & Esquembre, F. (2010). Lorentz force on a current carrying wire java applet [Computer software]. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
- Hwang, F.K., & WEE, L.K. (2010). Cyclotron in 3D Model (Version 10/12/2010) [Computer software]. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
- Hwang, F.K., WEE, L.K. & Christian, W (2009). Vernier Caliper Model [Computer software]. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
- Hwang, F.K., WEE, L.K. & Christian, W (2009). Micrometer Model [Computer software]. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
- Hwang, F.K. & WEE, L.K (2009). Blackbody Radiation Spectrum Model [Computer software]. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
Lessons Submission Published in The ICT Connection, A Masterplan in ICT Education mp3 initiative
- Ning H.T & Wee L.K. (2012) Virtual Laboratory and Real Equipment Vernier Caliper and Micrometer Retrieved 29 Feb, 2012, from &
- Goh, J., & Wee, L. K. (2011a). Virtual Laboratory Gravitational Field & Potential of 2 Mass Model Retrieved 17 Nov, 2011, from and
- Goh, J., & Wee, L. K. (2011b). Virtual Laboratory Gravitational Field & Potential of Earth and Moon Retrieved 17 Nov, 2011, from and
- Goh, J., & Wee, L. K. (2011c). Virtual Laboratory of Geostationary Satellite around Earth Model Retrieved 17 Nov, 2011, from and
- Goh, J., & Wee, L. K. (2011d). Virtual Laboratory of Kepler's Third Law Solar System Model Retrieved 17 Nov, 2011, from and
- Sim, K. S., & Wee, L. K. (2011). Virtual Laboratory of Direct Current Electrical Motor Model Retrieved 31 August, 2011, from and
- Goh, J., Wee, L. K., Leong, T. K., Bakar, R. A., Koh, J. M., Tan, H. K., & Tan, E. (2011). Learning Physics of Projectile through Video Analysis and Modeling Retrieved 02 June, 2010, from and
- Lee, T. L., Wee, L. K., Cheng, S. S. S., & Wong, J. P. (2010). Virtual Experiential Learning Laboratory with Ejs Java Applet Collision Carts Retrieved 02 June, 2010, from and
- Lee, T. L., Wee, L. K., Cheng, S. S. S., & Tan, Y. L. (2010). Learning Physics of Sport Science through Video Analysis and Modeling Retrieved 02 June, 2010, from and
- Tan, B., Khor, D., Tay, D., Wee, L. K., Teo, C. L., & Yap, F. F. (2010). Computer Supported Learning in Circular Motion Concept Mapping and Simulations Retrieved 31 August, 2011, from and
- Loh, S. B., Quek, S. L., Wee, L. K., Teo, C. L., & Yap, F. F. (2010). Computer Supported Learning in Gravitational Motion Concept Mapping and Simulations Retrieved 31 August, 2011, from and
- Teh, L. H., Liaw, A., Lin, J., Teo, B. L., Neo, C., Tan, D., . . . Teo, C. L. (2010). Video-based anchored instruction to enhance student-centered learning of heat Retrieved 31 August, 2011, from and
Awards and Nominations
- PS21 Star Service Awards 2014 (nomination)
- Innergy Award HQ Interactive Learning Resources (unknown)
- Academy Awards for Professional Development 2013 Associate Award
- Public Service Excellence in Service Award (EXSA) Star 2013
- MOE Outstanding Innovator Award 2013
- Finalist: Innergy Award 2013 Physics by Inquiry with Open Source Physics
- MOE excellence service award 2012
- Public Service PS21 Excel Awards Best Ideator 2012 MOEHQ only Gold award
- Academy Awards for Professional Development 2012 Associate Award
- Innergy Award Winner 2012 (Gravity-Physics by Inquiry) Gold Award
- Innergy Award Winner 2012 (Bringing Innovative Ideas to Practice Through Propel-T Projects) Gold Award
- Innergy Award Winner School Commendation 2011 (Learning Physics through video analysis RVHS) Commendation
- Finalist: Innergy Award 2011 Hybrid Learning Model for Meaningful Blended Learning
- Nomination: PS21 Excel Awards Outstanding Activist 2011
- Appreciation Award by Academy of Singapore Teachers 2011
- Public Service Excellence in Service Award (EXSA) Star 2011
- Public Service Excellence in Service Award (EXSA) Gold 2010
- Public Service Excellence in Service Award (EXSA) Silver 2009